Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

Splash timer
30.09.23 | 19:00 | Doorlopend


Michael Portnoy, Amaury Vanderborght & Cathy Blisson


Saturday 30 September 2023 19:00

Films to turn up the heat on La Nuit de l'Amour and stimulate our senses.


Progressive Touch (18+) depicts three futuristic, absurdist love scenes in which the goal is to “improve” sex by complicating its rhythm and choreography. Sex as dance as comedy. Enacted by three real life couples, the dancers’ every explicit move is synchronized to the propulsive, unpredictable score which borrows elements from progressive rock, trap and math metal. 

The movie continues Portnoy’s line of generative satirical works, which “improve” upon existing cultural forms and styles through complication, permutation and evolutionary hybridization.

With Bisous Bisous, PAL/SECAM - a duo made up of documentary maker Cathy Blisson and performer/artificer Amaury Vanderborght - presents a large-format video projection specially created for the Nuit de l'Amour.

Filmed in close-up at 60 frames per second, various couples, some formed for the occasion and some not, seek each other out in a game of face-to-face. Trying to capture the physicality of the encounter as closely as possible, the camera's lens lingers on the micro-movements involved in coming together, creating a fluid, indistinct landscape of the body.

One ticket gives you access to all La Nuit de l'Amour activities.

Progressive Touch:

Director: Michael Portnoy Cast: Tizo All, Ilona Bankiraj, Marc Philipp Gabriel, Juan Felipe Amaya González, Astrid Panaken, Deva Schubert Director of Photography: Darja Pilz Music: Stefan Maier and Michael Portnoy Producer, Berlin: Esther Niemeier Producer, New York: Julia Simpson Assistant Choreographer: Moss Beynon Juckes Editor: Camila Mercadal Focus Puller: David Kizner Gaffer: Jens Thurmann Sound recordist: Camilo Garcia Castro Hair & Make-up Design: Servulo Mendez Production Design: Ran Chai Bar-zvi and Leonard Mandl Coproduction by steirischer herbst ’19 (Graz, Austria), Vleeshal Center for Contemporary Art (Middelburg) and supported by Chris Fitzpatrick


Bisou Bisou s'inscrit dans la continuité d'une première forme (Burn Baby Burn) mêlant vidéo et pyrotechnie produite par la Maison de la Culture de Tournai (BE) et créée le 26/08/23.

Production : PAL/SECAM et la Maison de la Culture de Tournai
Direction Artistique : PAL/SECAM (Blisson + Vanderborght)
Images : Charlotte Marchal
Régie Lumière : Thibault Condy
Assistante Caméra : Ketura Le Roij
Montage : PAL/SECAM (Blisson + Vanderborght)