Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

Splash timer
10 > 12.10.24 | 80' | ENG & FR

We wear our wheels with pride and slap your streets with color...We said "Bonjour" to Satan in 1820...

Robyn Orlin | Moving Into Dance Mophatong

Dates & Tickets

26€ / 22€ / 18€ / 10€ (student)
Thursday 10 October 2024 20:00 Tickets
Friday 11 October 2024 20:00 Tickets
Saturday 12 October 2024 18:00 Tickets
With humour and virtuosity, the choreographer pays a vibrant tribute to the heroes of her childhood and their capacity for sublimation, ‘irony and self-irony, which is to say, precisely, a certain refusal to compromise with their dignity’. Guillaume Laserre, Médiapart

From her adolescence in the midst of full-blown apartheid, the South African choreographer still has memories whose power remains vivid, in particular of rickshaws, small handcarts pulled by black people transporting white masters. With their multicoloured tunics and cattle-horned headgear – a symbol of power yet also of subjugation – these men, transformed into beasts of burden, “seemed to dance, their bodies suspended in the air”.

As a result, in this show Robyn Orlin has invented a rickshaw dance that is as flamboyant as it is moving! The ten or so artists transport the audience into a celebration of song and dance that so excellently expresses their joie de vivre in this “Wheel of Pride” that became a force of resistance, paying homage to the spirit of the Rainbow Nation as they do so. A fiercely committed whirlwind of a show!

Creation and direction: Robyn Orlin |Performers (Moving Into Dance Mophatong dancers): Sunnyboy Motau, Oscar Buthelezi,  Afikamabiyase Ziqubu, Lesego Dihemo, Sbusiso Gumede and Teboho Letele|Video creation: Eric Perroys|Costume design: Birgit Neppl|Light design: Romain de Lagarde|Original music: UkhoiKhoi with Yogin Sullaphen and Anelisa Stuurman |General stage manager: Jean-Marc L'Hostis |Tour stage manager: Thabo Pule |Tour manager: Thabo Pule UkhoiKhoi with Yogin Sullaphen and Anelisa Stuurman|General Manager: Jean-Marc L'Hostis|Tour Manager: Thabo Pule|Stage Manager: Jordan Azincot |Production : City Theater & Dance Group, MIDM - Moving Into Dance Mophatong and Damien Valette Prod |Coproduction : Festival Montpellier Danse, Tanz im August - 32. Internationales Festival Berlin, Chaillot - Théâtre National de la Danse, Le Grand T- Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Charleroi Danse - Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie, Théâtre Garonne - Scène Européenne - Château-Rouge, scène conventionnée d'Annemasse |This creation received project support from the DRAC Ile-de-France |Administration, diffusion: Damien Valette |Coordination: Camille Aumont