24.04.24 | 18:00

Act As If There Is No Tomorrow

Mathilde Chaize

Pas (si) fragile


Wednesday 24 April 2024 18:00
Performing Identity

Act As If There Is No Tomorrow is an ode to excess, to crocodile tears, to real tears.

Act As If There Is No Tomorrow is about overacting, about playing right and singing wrong, about a space of reality and fiction, of the living and the image. The piece celebrates reality TV and auteur films, in a relationship of coexistence. Spectators have access to the global image, the one that allows stories and aesthetics, incompatible on paper, to coexist. This piece aims to reconcile. The performers take on the physicality of the over-representation of emotion, becoming mimes, clowns, heroes and heroines of their own lives. The video plays with us, creating micro-shifts between what we see in the present and what we see in the image. “What I see, I believe.”


Mathilde Chaize is an artist based in Brussels, finishing her Master 2 in scenography at La Cambre. With a practice somewhere between scenography and performance, she questions the commonplace of emotion, if it exists, and believes in entertainment as a political issue. Mathilde Chaize believes in the excessive, in what makes us cry and laugh at the same time.

In the framework of “Performing Identity. Performance Art Facing Contemporary Societal Challenges”. Project co-funded by the European Union (programme Erasmus+ - Strategic Partnerships).

Costume: Constance Tabourga 
Scénographie: Mathilde Chaize, en collaboration avec Vittorio Pessin
Maquillage: Josie Blumen
Assistant studio et chef opérateur: Harold Delhaie
Montage: Louis-Lamine Sadio 
Renfort plateau: Majbritt Verheijen Van Dick
Performeuses: Mélissa Tabourga, Eva Gay Obadia, Zahra Elmadi 
Musique: Alexandre Teiller