Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

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19 > 23.06.24




Wednesday 19 June 2024 19:00
Thursday 20 June 2024 20:00
Friday 21 June 2024 20:00
Saturday 22 June 2024 20:00
Sunday 23 June 2024 15:00

Seven minutes to showcase a three-year marathon: this is the only rule students must follow when they devise the acts that will launch their career after school. In-depth technical training, multidisciplinary skills, dramaturgical work… They will have gone through everything during their training. But above all, they will have gained a wide cultural openness, in contact with the other students coming from all corners of the world. Exit is two hours of virtuosity, energy, and audacity. But it is also the portrait of a generation figuring out how to live in an upside-down world.

Sarah Alessandria // Trapèze

Marylou Aupic // Vélo acrobatique

Ellie Barnard // Sangles aériennes

Katell Boudrandi-Saj // Trapèze danse

Catarina Da Cunha Figueiredo // Cerceau

Emilia Dawiec // Cerceau

Marceau Ehrmann // Tissu

Aapo Honkanen // Roue Cyr

Gaia Lorenza Ierace // Trapèze

Daniele Ippolito // Échelle

Isabela Leles Amaral // Equilibre

Minna Marjamaki // Corde

Anne Marjamaki // Équilibre

Franco Pelizzari Del Valle // Acrodanse

Gabriel Lorenzo Pereira De Souza Chagas // Main à main

Catarina Vilas Boas Vieira Pinto // Main à main

Coordination générale : Silvia Ubieta
Coordination technique : Jean François Keller
Mise en piste : Sara Lemaire
Création lumières : Valentin Boucq
Costumes: Benoit Escarmelle
Régie son : Sarah Faucon
Régie Plateau : Vincent Van Tilbeurgh
Assistant régie : Matthias Tempette
Accompagnement conception sonore : Cloé Defossez
Accompagnement artistique : Gaëlle Bisellach-Roig, Hayo David, Sylvain Honorez, Christophe Morisset, Sophia Rodriguez, Silvia Ubieta et Philippe Vande Weghe.
Collaboration Costume/scénographie: Chloé Chapira, Lucie Chauvin-Philppson et Maori Thiénot (pour certains projets).
Photographies : Oliver Bonzom
Teaser : Kenneth Rawlinson
Captations : Stanislav Dobak
Remerciements à l’ensemble des équipes pédagogique, technique et administrative de l’ESAC.