Chunky Move
4/4 is a model of choreographic precision and physical endurance typical of the style of Antony Hamilton, Artistic Director of the Australian company Chunky Move.
Eight dancers perform a symphony of mesmerising movements against a minimalist backdrop. As episode after episode builds upon the last, quartets and duets converge and diverge in ever more hypnotic configurations.
The diversity of the dancers’ artistic lines – born out of krump, freestyle hip-hop, house and contemporary dance techniques – combined with Hamilton’s technical mastery, creates a work that is both out of the ordinary and hypnotic.
In a world full of commotion and clamour, 4/4 is a captivating meditation coupled with precision choreography.
Concept and Direction: Antony Hamilton |Choreography: Antony Hamilton with Mason Kelly, Melissa Pham, David Prakash, Harrison Ritchie-Jones, Aimee Schollum, Michaela Tancheff, Nikki Tarling & Jayden Wall |Performers: Melissa Pham, David Prakash, Harrison Ritchie-Jones, Aimee Schollum, Kyall Shanks, Michaela Tancheff, Nikki Tarling & Jayden Wall |Lining: Samakshi Sidhu|Costume Design: Paula Levis|Costume Production: Fiona Holley|Sound Design: Alisdair Macindoe|Light Design: Bosco Shaw|Associate Lighting Design: Nick Moloney|Production Design: Ashley Buchanan & Antony Hamilton